Augur vs Uniswap

January 23, 2022


If you're a blockchain enthusiast, you have probably heard of Augur and Uniswap. These blockchain platforms operate differently, with different technologies, and are designed for different purposes.

Augur is a blockchain-based prediction market protocol that allows users to create their prediction market with their governance systems, and trades and events are executed directly on the Ethereum blockchain. On the other hand, Uniswap is a decentralized exchange that operates smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain without the need for middlemen.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a factual unbiased comparison between Augur and Uniswap.


One of the most important factors to consider when comparing blockchain platforms is liquidity. Liquidity measures the ability to buy or sell an asset without significantly affecting the asset's price. In this respect, Uniswap stands out as an efficient platform with high liquidity that has exceeded expectations, while Augur is still lagging behind.

As of January 2022, Uniswap has an average daily trading volume of $5 billion, and its liquidity is around $10 billion. On the other hand, Augur has a liquidity depth of around $15 million, and the total volume of bets placed on Augur so far is around $490 million.


Another crucial factor to consider is speed in trade execution. As a decentralized exchange, Uniswap uses the Ethereum blockchain, which can experience congestion during high traffic periods, slowing down its trade execution. This can lead to delays in completing trades, fluctuating gas fees, and increased costs for users.

In contrast, Augur's decentralized prediction market operates independently, and users can create or accept bets on any event without intermediaries, allowing for very fast bet placements.


Governance structures differ between Augur and Uniswap. While Augur operates using a prediction market platform allowing the community to make decisions, Uniswap uses a delegation model, where token holders delegate their voting power. This can create concerns around centralization, as those holding the most tokens have more voting power.


Overall, Augur and Uniswap are both significant players in the blockchain industry, each with unique features that make them useful for different purposes. Augur provides a decentralized way for users to create and bet on prediction markets, while Uniswap is an efficient decentralized exchange with high liquidity.


[1] Uniswap:

[2] Augur:

[3] Uniswap trading volume:

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